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Safe space

 Are you safe for yourself?... There are times that we need to sit down and see if we really have somewhere to go to. Things don't always go according to plan and we need to actually have something in place. Whether we like it or not we need to always have a plan in place. What we do is tend to forget in most cases that we should checkout every now and then.  Longliness can kick in at the most random times and one must be ready to pick themselves up or have someone to do that for you. A safe space can provide a physical and emotional safe environment for a person. This can either be a place or a person for you.  Where do you typically go when you feel like your whole life is falling apart? Where do you do some Self introspection at?. Some people might call it a 'Plan B' and really have it in place at all times. Life is unpredictable.  It doesn't mean we should always show face in life. Be truthful and ready to open up. If you are not ready to show yourself then who will

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Part 4